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Sporto conference

Dinamo - the best sports brand in 2021

According to the results of the Mediana Marketing and Media Research Institute, GNK Dinamo was declared the best sports brand in Croatia in 2021.

The Croatian champion has won this award four times in a row over the last four years, which we are particularly proud of.

For the 15th time in a row in Slovenia, and for the ninth time in Croatia and Serbia, the SPORTO conference in cooperation with the Institute for Consumer, Market and Media Research has conducted a quantitative survey that presents the most recognizable, most popular, successful and marketing-interesting athletes and sports clubs in these three state in the opinion of the public.

Athletes and clubs that received 85 or more points in this survey, up to a maximum of 100, are awarded the title of SPORTO Brand of the Year for the country and category in a particular category. The survey included the items number of fans, engagement, likability, success, satisfaction, recognition and brand awareness.

Dinamo received a total of 99 points across all categories in the survey. On the territory of Croatia, the captain of the Croatian national team and former captain of Dinamo Luka Modrić, brothers Martin and Valent Sinković, multiple world and Olympic champions in rowing, and multiple discus medal winner at the Croatian and world level, Sandra Perković, were declared the best athletes in Croatia.

We are proud of the fact that, with all the team's domestic and European successes through 2021 and with the club's high level of organizational activity, the Dinamo brand was equally recognized and the most popular throughout 2021. We congratulate the Croatian athletes on their individual SPORT awards!
